Many Hands, One Heart

Alumni testimonials and commendations on chapter progress

"Thanks to you and the other alumni in the constant reminders that there is a need to donate to the place we all called home for four of the best years of our lives…As with most of us, Oxford and Miami University hold a special place in our hearts.  My wife and I married in Oxford, 17 years ago this coming weekend…To this day, I still talk to guys that we went to college with…I am glad the house is up and running."

Scott Green '89

"Thanks for all the work you guys have put into resurrecting the house and the chapter. I thinks it's truly impressive that you got it done. Frankly, in the beginning I thought you guys were all nuts. Glad I was wrong and I'm happy I was able to participate in some small way."

Bill Hayes '75

“I received your note today.  Nice work on the restoration.  Hopefully you'll look back on all this shortly and remark to yourself what a worthwhile effort the rebuilding process was.  Good luck.”

Mike McIntyre ‘83


“I want to give $5000... I'm excited that we're continuing to be a presence and an opportunity for young men on campus.”

Ralph Herda ‘75

“Just a short 12 months ago I thought the chapter should be allowed to die a natural death, since it appeared to me the students on campus and the undergraduate brothers couldn't care less.  Then I learned all about the Steering Committee throwing out all the bad in the past, starting completely over, taking the good about Alpha Delta Phi, making the good even better in its new incarnation.  It's such a compelling story and project.  It bodes so well for the undergraduates who pledge our fraternity and who will undoubtedly have a better head start on a productive adult life than those who don't experience the new Alpha Delta Phi, and makes the university better - I couldn't help but be drawn to the project…We can change lives.  That's what it's all about.  I look forward to working with you on that.”

Bob Keesecker ‘71

            “For me, the decision to support the renovation comes down to simple payback.  Anyone who knows me will attest to the fact that I was never a big believer in the mysticism or symbolism of ADPhi, and that I’m certainly not one to “bleed green and black”.  But I still have deep feelings for our fraternity.  I don’t cry at the sight of the star and crescent, but I do smile.   At age 45, I can look back on my own personal good fortune since leaving Miami, and I can see clearly that my years as an undergraduate at Miami really did prepare me well for life in the real world.  I am not talking about things I learned in class, since, frankly, those lessons were not of great value to me.  I am speaking of much more basic, but fundamentally more important lessons about how to live and cooperate with others, how to lead and how to follow, how to trust and how to share.  I strongly believe that Alpha Delta Phi was the centerpiece for providing these lessons.  If I think of my years at Miami as a “test drive for real life,” then ADPhi provided me with the car. 

            “Alpha Delta Phi was there for me because others before me put it there.  Most of us alumni were simply caretakers of the chapter, but at certain times in the history of the chapter, men have stepped up and made exceptional contributions of time and money to ensure that the chapter moves forward.  The men involved in the 1952 recolonization effort are examples:  because of their contributions, ADPhi was there for me in the late 70’s when I needed it.  Now that the chapter is in serious trouble, I feel it is my turn to step up, so that future generations of young men can learn the lessons of life that I was so fortunate to learn through the fraternity.  I really feel like I owe it to the generations before me, but they’re not looking for payback.  So, I pay it forward.”

Bob Delves ‘80


 “…You have my 100% support & approval.  …Let me know what I can do from the left coast. I hope to make it up to Oxford sometime this year, as my youngest niece is a freshman at Miami. Another Schuster in Oxford - very scary.”

Mark Schuster ‘84


Thanks for all of your hard work.  Seeing first hand what you guys have accomplished (and what still needs to be done) really makes me appreciate the work you and your volunteers have done to this point, and I'd like to help out.  Today (finally!) I mailed a $5,000 check to Doug Thompson to put towards the renovation of the house.  I was very impressed with the progress to date when I visited a few weeks ago.  More importantly, I appreciate all of the work you and your work crews have done on the weekends to keep the costs down.  Thank you for that! I will certainly consider a further donation.

Jeff Close ‘77


“This is just the momentum we need. It is obvious to me that we need to take leaps, not baby steps, to get this project done and done the right way. I am very glad to be a part of this.”

Tom O’Brien ‘82

February 2007

"Enclosed is my check for $1000 in support of the renovation of our house.  As the purchaser of the Munns House, founder of the Miami Realty Association of ADP and initial fund raiser for the Association, I have a very personal interest in getting the House open and the Chapter reactivitated.


I have been in touch with Don French who knows me well – he is the one who told me to send the check to you.  Don was in the 1833’s and I was its first faculty adviser.  Incidentally, my license plate number is “1833 MU.”


I intend to be at the Alumni Reunion here in June and hope to meet you then.  Fraternally,

Bob Myers,Kenyon ‘41

"I hope all those men and women making these contributions to Miami's Alpha Delta Phi will stay connected, stay informed and stay interested.  Ask others to become a part of the heritage.  This is something to be proud of."

Ronald Jones, non-alum donor


"Keep doing what you have been doing.  All young growing things need nurturing.  Hopefully we, the Alpha Delta Phi, help turn boys into educated, thinking men."

Dick Withington '65

"I was able to visit the house for the first time in many years last month.  I was very impressed with the work on the house and the quality and hospitality of the current brothers.  Your hard work is really paying off!

Matt Stall '96

“Overall, the group is very impressive and I couldn’t be happier to work so closely with them.  They are all men of extreme character and have such different personalities that spending a week with them is quite enjoyable.  I truly believe that in a few years, the chapter will be recognized for an award at the annual convention, for either most improved or E.O. Blackman Award for Best Chapter.  If the group continues to build and grow at the current pace, I think we could consider this as a great accomplishment in the long history of the Alpha Delta Phi.”

Steve Ehrfurth, MIN ’06

Chapter Service Consultant, Alpha Delta Phi International

Quoted from January 2007 Miami Chapter visitation report

“On behalf of the Cliff Alexander Office staff and the University, I want to commend Alpha Delta Phi for achieving a fall semester GPA above the all-men’s average.  ‘Scholarship and Learning’ is one of the Five Principles to which our entire Greek community is committed.  Your chapter’s commitment to excelling academically represents your commitment to scholarship and providing a positive learning experience for your members.  Congratulations!”

Steven B. Dealph, Director
Cliff Alexander Office of Fraternity and Sorority Life and Leadership

Miami University

, January 2007

“Congratulations to our Miami Chapter for their return to the Miami campus and for their outstanding GPA.  We encouraged and challenge all Alpha Delt chapters to strive for academic excellence and to beat the All-Men’s average.  It is also very heartening to see evidence of a great relationship between Alpha Delta Phi and the University; this speaks extremely highly of our Miami undergraduate and alumni Brothers.  Nice work, guys.”


Jon Vick HAM ‘64

President, Alpha Delta Phi International

January 2007


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