Thank you for helping our chapter recruit yet another great pledge class! Please provide as much information as you can about the potential rushee you have in mind, and the undergraduates will connect with him. If you don't receive a prompt confirmation after submitting this form, please email us at Thank you!
Your Name
Your email
Recommended rushee name
Rushee phone, if known
Rushee email, if known
Rushee grad year (or current year in school), and major, if known
High school accomplishments - academic record/GPA, leadership experience, activities, sports, awards, etc.
Known hobbies, interests, special skills, etc.
What else can you add about your nominee? Why would he make a great Alpha Delt?
Is this undergrad a legacy of an Alpha Delt alumnus? Who?
To your knowledge, what is his attitude toward rushing Alpha Delta Phi? Click all that apply:
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