“Experiential learning” is an increasingly powerful part of higher education. Internships help students see how their classroom studies actually apply in the real world – with a slingshot effect on students’ career readiness.
The ongoing problem: a serious shortage of meaningful internship opportunities.
Can you help?
We are tapping the power of 1400 Miami Alpha Delt alumni to create internship opportunities for our undergraduate brothers. Might your business or organization benefit from the efforts of an intern? Consider these questions…
What kinds of jobs could be considered?
Undergrads are eager to show what they can do. They can help analyze data, complete research, conduct surveys, develop copy, prepare reports, shadow client-facing staff, boost market engagement, and perform many other functions.
What are some examples?
NIck C. interned in the loan processing department of a bank... Josh S. reviewed the financial status of prospective investor clients... nursing student Will C. worked in a nursing home... Collin B. worked in the office of an engineering firm -- and earned a permanent job with the company. Just about every course of study can be applied to an internship experience.
During what time period are internships needed?
Internships are usually temporary and especially needed during the summer (May 15-August 15) and over winter break (mid-December – January 20). Many interns work during the summer and continue some assignments during the school year – an excellent way for a company to try out a potential employee.
How are internships structured and supervised?
This is fluid and mostly up to the host organization. A best practice is to assign each intern a supervisor who will organize, assist and evaluate their work. From there, it’s generally up to the intern to apply his learning to his coursework and career goals.
Are interns compensated?
Most but not all internships are paid, usually $15-$20 per hour. Some are paid a flat fee and some earn a real working wage. That said, unpaid internships are not out of the question – the work experience is an intern’s most important compensation.
How would my business benefit?
First, the chance to “audition” a potential future employee is priceless. Businesses also find that interns can do the footwork to accelerate special projects that permanent staff have trouble getting to. And don’t discount an intern’s potential to bring new ideas and fresh perspective to your business.
How do I get matched with an intern?
Contact us and let us know the kind of experience you might be able to offer. We’ll inform the undergrads and connect you with one or more Alpha Delt intern candidates.
What’s my next step?
If you or someone you know might be open to hosting an internship, email us here to explore the possibilities. Then, get ready to feel good about helping a young brother to greater success...