Ceremony of Chapter Rededication

Celebrated this day, October 13, 2007, in Oxford, Ohio.


"Brothers, alumni and honored guests:


With our ceremony here today, we rededicate the Miami Chapter of the Alpha Delta Phi for a new generation.  In doing so, we reassert the principles upon which Samuel Eells founded our fraternity in 1832, and our beloved Chapter in 1833.  Brother Eells’ purpose was to establish an organization in which the “whole” man would be developed – morally, socially and intellectually.  His distinctive vision has inspired many similar organizations – beginning with the fraternities of the Miami Triad – but nowhere has the light of his ideal burned brighter than within these four walls.


We join today in witness to the timeless nature of his vision, and to its enduring value to young men throughout the first 174 years of our chapter’s history.  Representing the thousands of men who have joined our chapter since its inception, and through the generosity and hard work of many alumni, those of us now present hereby refound the Miami Chapter of Alpha Delta Phi:  a community whose members have -- and will -- commit themselves to developing the attributes of a principled life: service, leadership, sacrifice and fellowship.


To this end, we set forth the following Code of Values and Principles for our Chapter:


§        Alpha Delta Phi will encourage leadership and character development, promote community service, and foster the growth of lifelong friendships.


§        Our Chapter will embrace the principles of self-governance, which include free discussion of ideas and opinions, mutual respect and shared responsibility.


§        Our Chapter will provide an ethical environment for thoughtful decision-making and accountability, in which each member calls on every other, individually and collectively, to act in the highest standards of honorable conduct.


§        The Miami Chapter of Alpha Delta Phi will augment Miami University’s mission to develop educated persons who, grounded in values of charity, tolerance and inclusiveness, will become effective citizens who contribute to the good of the community, our culture and our society.


In witness whereof, we cut this ribbon, symbolizing the restoration of our beloved Miami Chapter of Alpha Delta Phi."


Read by Stefan Davis ‘71


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