(Note: to make an initial pledge to this campaign, please fill out the form below. To make a payment on a new or existing pledge, scroll to the bottom and click the appropriate button).
The "Make This House a Home" Campaign
In 2019, to improve Miami's Alpha Delta Phi's mission of academic and fraternal excellence, the Alumni Council set out to enhance the chapter house environment with an on-site meal plan (our first since 2001) and a live-in House Director. We felt daily hot meals and continuous adult guidance would go far toward "making our house a home."
The resulting alumni fundraising campaign helped complete the needed renovations -- an updated communal kitchen, a new House Director suite, and other upgrades. These moves fueled undergraduate recruiting efforts -- and truly paid off in August 2020 when the Miami Chapter won the International's E.O. Blackman Award as Alpha Delta Phi's TOP chapter in the US and Canada!
These renovations came at a cost of $250,000 -- a debt we continue to pay. We are grateful to all our loyal and generous alumni who continue to help ensure the Chapter's success through philanthropic support.
In the form that follows, please join with your fellow alumni to designate a gift toward the "Make This House a Home" Campaign.
To make either an initial payment or a final payment, please scroll to the bottom and click on the appropriate box.
Thank you!
Make a pledge to the "Make This House a Home" Campaign
Initial campaign pledge payment:
Please click here to pay the FIRST half of your campaign pledge via PayPal or credit card. Thank you!