The Miami Chapter of Alpha Delta Phi is pleased and proud to announce an exciting opportunity for your next Alumni Weekend, June 12-14, 2020! 

Miami's Alumni Weekends are fun events filled with memories and reunions of old friends. But sometimes the problem is housing... stay in a dorm, find an expensive or distant hotel, or drive home just when the party is getting good. Here's an alternative... 

Welcome to the Alpha Delta Phi Bed & Breakfast!

We're setting aside up to 10 rooms in the Chapter House to welcome you and yours to re-live your Fraternity experience. Plans are just starting to come together but we know for sure we will have a Welcome Reception on Friday night and Breakfast by our wonderful Chef Jackie on Saturday morning! More details will be coming soon, but be among the first to stake your claim for a great weekend in Oxford!

To express interest, ask questions or make reservations, email us using the form below and we will contact you.  Or contact House Director Ross Wason '73 at 216-965-4547 or!


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